HisKingdom.Us is a growing website where I’ve been investigating what it means for Us to have lives that are consistent with God and His Kingdom. Who is God; just what is this Kingdom that Jesus remains so eager to proclaim and demonstrate; and where do we fit in?
The Kingdom of God
As I approached “graduating into retirement” from medical practice in 2018, I heard the Lord calling me to change my focus from medical care and administration to actively pursue my studies about the Kingdom of God as Luke did 2,000 years ago. The work below represents some of the first fruits of my call to study, write, and publish in the tradition and practice that Luke pioneered with such inspiration and dedication.
Celebrate Salvation
The Joy of Christian Discipleship is a series of six weekly study guides organized in two courses. Course 1 is for new and reawakened believers who wish to ground their faith in the Love, Person, Power, and Truth of God’s Word. The second is a follow up course for more seasoned believers. The Celebrate Salvation project is a separate endeavor from our HisKingdom.Us website outlined below.
The Alpha portion of HisKingdom.Us is devoted to the beginnings of our existence in space and time through the several stages of Creation, drawing on writings in the early chapters of Genesis and material derived from contemporary scientific speculations.
The central Kingdom portion of HisKingdom.Us is divided into 3 sections, beginning with the history of mankind before Christ, noting its ups and downs and examining the ongoing role of God in interacting with His Creation as time unfolds. The second Kingdom section focuses on the Person, witness, teachings, actions, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the prophetically promised Messiah or Christ. And the final Kingdom AD section picks up with the history of mankind after the death and resurrection of Jesus through to our current time.
In addition, the second study guide in The Joy of Christian Discipleship series investigates our relationship to and participation in the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
The concluding Omega portion investigates the subject of eschatology and the future, both near and far, and is addressed with even more guided speculation and insights from current events, prophetic writings, and the Book of Revelation.
The About portion is essentially an appendix and contains more about the website and my background, a Contact page and additional pages for Articles, Bibliography, lists of Persons and Terminology.