A community group celebration.
Susan and I have been hosting a home group from our church and going through the newest Celebrate Salvation study guide together since the turn of the year. It’s the first book in Course 2, entitled Awakening, and we’ve all been drawing much closer to each other, the Lord, and His hopes and plans for the future – overall, a very encouraging and stimulating study. As we approached Easter, we decided to take a “detour” and celebrate Passover together using the insights and Seder material in our Festivals book.
Everyone in the group was enthusiastic about the idea and pitched in with meal preparation, music, and décor. We gathered on Tuesday evening, April 12, during the week leading up to Passover/Easter, found our places around the ceremoniously decorated and equipped Seder table, opened the Haggadah section in our Festivals book, and began at sundown with prayer and the lighting of candles. Around the table we shared one by one from the sequential readings and prescribed activities, including the eating of greens, bitter herbs, and matzah as well as a foot washing ceremony, a festive dinner, and the Lord’s Supper by breaking and eating the Afikoman along with the wine cups of redemption and acceptance. Stories and songs abounded. At the close our leader recited “Our Seder is complete. We have done all the things we were supposed to do. May we be free to enjoy a Seder like this one again – someday in the New Jerusalem!” and we all sang the verses of Hineh mah tov uma nai im, shevet achim gam yachad together.
A wonderful time was had by all! If you’re interested, have any questions, or would like more information about celebrating the Biblical Holidays as a believer, please feel free to contact me!